Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week one - tuning in to "the bell"

Everything is so new to me.   This includes the sound of "the bell".    First few days, I would panic when I hear the bell.    "Oh no,  where do I have to be now?".     By Day 5 I was increasingly aware that I need to give myself (and students) warning,  that "the bell" is sounding soon!

But I still "missed" it on Friday.   The bell rang just when I was about to play the Mac.vs. PC video.   It's like playing these video games where you play against the clock.   Next time I have to beat the clock!!

Lyle came to my math class.   Some good ideas.   Wait 20 full seconds to get their attention,  and stick to it.    Next strategy is to warn them that they may be moved away from their friends if they keep talking.  

I think I realised why the projector was not working - the setting on my pc was not set to dual mode for projector setup!  

My task this weekend is to do some major re-organisation of my binders, notes, and record sheets.
In addition, to prepare for hand-in next week of lesson plans.

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