Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 4 ... moments

I'm exhausted, and exhiliarated.

I don't think I've felt like this since being a new mom.
After each class, I am ready to crash.  So intense.  So much happening.

A few aha moments:
- When the new girl from China from my math class asked if the workbook is $10 american money,  or $10 canadian money.   I tried not to smile too much.   I couldn't help but think of her family, if her parents are here with her,  and how totally strange and bizaare this place called highschool must be from her former home of school in China.    I hope she does not transfer out of my class.

I learnt that grade 9's and 10's really don't have enough life experience to write a resume.   A different assignment would have been better.
I learnt that the programming group are way too fast.  I need to beef up their assignments.
And yes what to do with the helpless handraiser in the second row?
I created what I thought was a brilliant spur of the moment warmup to look for the unicode of the Chinese character "fu" (blessing),  but didn't have time to do it.    Tomorrow.

In Math:
I was pleased to see the students teach and help each other.   Halo Halo!    Must quickly praise them for this.    They liked the "Create a Skill Testing Question" activity.  
I need to test out a new projector cable,  the tablet is not working.
Tomorrow I must work on getting the attention of the boys in the back table.

I can't believe it's Day 4.
I am exhausted but feel exhilarated.
Randy said I should ask "is teaching for me?"
So far the answer is "yes".   I loved it when the students say "this is cool",  or say "wow".
But I am exhausted.

How can I survive the long-haul?

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